Sunday, April 24, 2011

When love takes you in and out

I 've heard. Very often.
One of the biggest, important decision a woman made is the man whom she decides to fall for and eventually dedicating her life to him.
Wrong judgment is a not a mere mistake, it's a super huge mistake. Not only affecting one's life but her kins, comrades and others close to her.
I am unsure if I have or would make the mistake. For a non-believer of marriage as I am, I suppose time could almost provides answer in many aspects of our life.
Marriage could resemble a gamble. You do not know what is the outcome as you dedicate yourself for this scared covenant (which it is supposed to be but decadence is slowly tearing its solid fabric). People change in  marriage. For better, (possible but rarely) and for worst (not impossible and often).

Z, a woman who fell in love and married a man who has not loved himself but drugs. Needless to say, this marriage didn't last and Z is staying with her daughter and  a divorce is yet to be filed.
Moving on, Z fell for K. They stay together without a solemnization. A little boy was born out from this relationship. So, two children in a complicated man and woman relationship. Somehow, this relationship doesn't seem to work well too as K is not the sort of family guy, who stay at home for the 'wife'and children. 
The former addicts to drugs while K addicts to alcohol. It is easy to label Z, being foolish and unwise after her first marriage collapsed.
However, who are we to judge at the end of the day?
Some would say love conquers everything. You love someone for the good and the bad.

How do you know whether you love someone unconditionally? Don't we often love someone because of  the 'because' factor? Because he is this, he is that. Because she could do this, do that. And appearance is always the biggest factor.

I have always wanted my significant other to be a player. Of course not the player of Playboy but someone who can strum the guitar, beat the drums or run through the piano keys effortlessly.  But that doesn't happen, well except for once. Above this preference, I realize that there are far more essential factors to consider in a life mate. Chemistry and communication should be among those big factors which also  involved effort and sacrifice.

Prayerfully, I learn to love well.
FOrgive me , my dear.

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