Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yes, we did it!

In the midst of harrowing stories of  Japan's plight today, I am exteremly on cloud 9 to learn of Chong Wei's victory against nemesis SuperDan in the All-England match last week.
It is a victory for all Malaysians.
Although I missed the game, I am jumped with joy. This triumph definitely serves an encouragement and motivation for Chong Wei  to covet the Olympics 2012 title, which is not too far away.
Praying for his victory. We shall never underestimate Dan's strength. Looking forward for Chong Wei's stellar perfomance before he bids farewell to the world of badminton.


I was chained with drowsiness since Thursday. Even  without the medication.
I don't get it. Why you wanna a shut-down desperately?
But I got alert later. A surprise was knocking at my door.

Ta-da. Yes, it's such a surprise. All the more since happy surprises have been dwindling over the years.
A Japanese cheese cake and friendly faces waiting for me. I would usually back off from éclair but not this time.
I was overwhelmed. And as usual, then again, I didn't blow out the candles well. It always got stucked. Haha..

 " You are good at work but not with cake-cutting".   I broke out a laughter.

I got home early than before. To ease the drowsiness.
Under the galaxy of stars, my swirling thoughts brought me near to C.
The good and bad times we shared across the world, across time. Near and far.
The sweet     has blossomed 1-year old which only both of us would know.
With the advent of time and distance, it keeps it more significant.
Three  favourites of the nights except that you'll never complete my life since no one could complete each other's life.

Hands to Heaven (Breathe- 80s')

Dreams (Cranberries- 90's)

Closer (Travis- 2000s)

Who need players?

Players- I believe they are abundant , scattering and spreading all the world irrespective of age, ethinicity and status. There is nothing great in the end, for a player. The ultimate end is nothing.
But as it is often a strong human nature to response positively to tempation, we are bound to see that they live by this mantra- it is OK to take the hive that is not legally yours as long as you get the honey, whether short term or long term.

I came across this article today which speaks thousands of truth.
Without truth, there is no love. Without love, there is no truth.
True, isn' it?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Woes in the Land of the Rising Sun

As I watched the devastated modern island nation suffering from numerous blows, there are three people that come across my mind.
Two of whom I know of their state but one unheard. My prayers be with them.

I do not have the privilege to cover the catastrophe.
I can only store the envy inside me when other correspondents went to the tragedy site and spoke to the survivors.

Nevertheless, I am following the news indoor and checked for any updates during the morning.
Breaking news poured in for the past two days.

Many theories have been forwarded to explain the massive quake to the blasts.

Some include the "Supermoon" theory on the proximity of moon to the Earth, the repetitive nuclear tests conducted without the public's knowledge which trigger the seabed to unleash its accumulated intoleration, the side-effect of previous tsunamis and anti-green acts, acts of God  and so forth.

I am looking forward to 19th March 2011. It is said that the moon will be at its closest to the Earth since 1992. The moon will be bright and full. However, the beautiful sight of it is said to attract further chaos in this world.

We shall wait and see.

That day will also marked my life annivesary of my sojourn in the earth, that I have stayed and breathe in this troubled world for less than 50 years but more than 20 years. Someone told me that he has come to the point of not being bothered to count the aging years. Yes, he's right.Coz we should not count the aging years, but to count our blessings.

When all is devastated, ravaged and nothing left, we should take a good look of what we have and had all these while and NOW. What we should treasure. Who we should spend time with. What we should do.
What we could do.
Before we waved goodbye.
In this 'borrowed heaven'.

Borrowed Heaven(2007)
The Corrs

Friday, March 11, 2011

I Want You To Know

Today is quite a 'day' due to my hesitate state and stupidity.
Roaming aimlessly after I screwed up the plans of the day. Couldn't find a nice, comfortable cafe to send  the updates and e-mails. Finally, I landed up in this place, where we never come before for a non-alcoholic beer.

Here I am , in the middle of the day and come across her song , which I have not heard for long.
It is still pleasant to my ear and if DJ M.L is here, I shall dedicate this song to the dude whom I miss most at this moment.

I Want You To Know (Chantal Kreviazuk )

I could feel you, you were there.
And I could hold you, but you're not there.
And I, I'm gonna wait.
I, I'm gonna wait.
I'm gonna wait.

I just want you to know.
I want you to know.
All that I have is all that I forgot to say
I want you to know.
I didn't go.
All that I have is all that made you run away.

I could see you, you were there.
And I could hear you, but you're not there.
And I, I'm gonna wait.
I, I'm gonna wait.
I'm gonna wait.

I just want you to know.
I want you to know.
All that I have is all that I forgot to say
I want you to know.
I didn't go.
All that I have is all that made you run away.

And I.
I, I'm gonna wait.
I, I'm gonna wait.

I just want you to know.
I want you to know.
All that I have is all that I forgot to say
I want you to know.
I didn't go.
All that I have is all that made you run away.
All that made you run away.

More tsunamis to come

I have so much to write but the tsunami in Japan arrested my attention.

I was restless, worrying over an issue when fellow Japanese were hit with massive quake and fierce tsunami.

The year 2011 doesn't start with a bang or boom, but with the power of water and earth that stays within , without our knowledge and control. I strongly believe this year is dotted with more to come. Don't call me a pessimist. We should know by now.

I mentioned about the power of water in the foregoing. I spoke of its gentleness, less of its violence.
We might see more of its torrents than before.More than before in 2011 and ahead.

Call me eccentric, insane, whatever, I would like to experience moments of tsunami and clothed with an intact survival. Well, somehow I do not mind to perish though as nothing stays forever in this world.
We are living in the land of dying anyway.

As such, I will continue my travel despite the recent disasters. Unless the airport calls it a close, I shall proceed as scheduled.

Perhaps, dying to die. When I heard another demise of someone I know, the first question that strucked me-Why it doesn't happen to me yet?  

Yes, I long to leave but I pray that it is a peaceful exit. I am staying too long already. Can't wait for a better land.

(By the time of writing, tsunami alert is widespread across the Pacific.)