Friday, October 1, 2010

Solitude in the sands.....

It was a tad confusing times.
I don't expect this to come eventhough my mind reeled at that question some time lapse.
Surprisingly, it came today. Surprisingly. A blessing in disguise?
Is this real?
I still have some time left with me. To make a change.
Yet, it was given by a set of turn of events which is watched and crafted by the above or "nasib"?
I am unsure.

Should I? Will I be given?

I ran upstairs to break the news to the one who loves me and quarrel with at times.

And I couldn't wait to break to the one who also loves me more than I do. One whom I am guity towards.

The past couple of days saw me walking at the park  , alone when Mister Moon and the galaxy of stars take over the scene.  Only a  soul over here.I like it here. I like the dark shady mysterious shadow. The pine , the sand and sands.....

Walking over the bridge while casting my shadow on the lake, with a moonlight view at the mini jetty was panoramic. I was smitten there and then.

It feels so right to be alone in such solitary moments. A solitude.

And how long more  can I be here during those evenings? How many hours?

What could come afterwards?

God is mightier than my finite thoughts.

Yes, I still miss him but I know there are greater things that I 've missed.

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