Saturday, October 8, 2011


It's been a year of blogging. In all honesty, I never thought I do so until a July incident and the drama boy budged me.
That events happen for a reason?

This is indeed a 'happening' year. Although illness, unhappy faces and setbacks surface, I am thankful for the many visted places and beautiful moments and souls. It could sound rather stale as a cliche but I have to remind myself over and over again to be grateful. Yes, "thanks / thank you / khob-kun-Ka", simple thanks to folks and ultimately, my Creator despite the non-understanding of events that happen in my journey since my entrance into this cosmos.

Had I not leave home, had it not been a quiet walk , had I not abandon legal profession, had I not succumb to illness, had I not leave ,basically...  I would not have learn that I have a lot in abundance. Don't talk about material, I mean let's get to the real, raw, honest things in life which we often take for granted.

It is when you think you have nothing, you have in abundance. Because you still can feel, think and express in song or in utter silence.

In sickness, I learn that a simple movement of walking and swinging of the hands is not a simple thing to forget.
It sounds simple but when you are deprive to move and swing, it doesn't sound simple anymore.

The recent painful sitting. Without cause but with effect.
It never came to me that sitting , an everyday act , could be a painful thing to do.
The easy forgotten mind, I would have to jot down well everywhere but for those I couldn't , what should I do?

The swell and rashes , sends an inconvenient truth and anxiety over me.
Praying for healing, day and night.
Pray for me.
Although I may not know who you are, but thanks for your prayers.

Pray that I get well.
It's not because I want to live longer, but to minimise the pain
and hurt.
Probably, man's biggest fear is not death, but the torturing, lingering pain and hurt.
I fear dying, not death.

Music, as always never fail to lift me, be it joy or sorrow.
Enjoy these are two of my favourite Bach 's classical pieces which have not lost its touch till today.

G Major Bach's Cello Suite No.1

Preclude in C Major

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