Friday, September 16, 2011

The Smell of Bangkok

Aku dicengkam pelbagai perasaan  sejak menjejakkan kaki  di kota Krung Thep (juga dikenali sebagai "city of angels" selepas diterjemah) pada larut malam. Tidak pernah kubayangkan keceriaan aku mampu dicipta di sini. Ia akan mengambil masa yang agak panjang untuk menyesuaikan diri di sini kukira, namun, hati aku terbuka, semakin terbuka untuk negara Gajah Putih ini yang telah menambat hati aku yang mendukung ribuan kekusutan.
Hari demi hari, aku belajar mengenali diri sendiri, muka baru, budaya, bahasa, cinta, kepercayaan, kegembiraan dan keunikan.
Aku tidak pasti apakah kota ini telah menjawab persoalan yang telah lama bersarang. Namun, aku seolah-olah diberi petunjuk sewaktu aku melangkah lebih jauh.

Aku bukan seorang pecinta haiwan, dulu, sekarang mahupun masa hadapan. Bagaimanapun, hari ini, telatah beberapa ekor orang utan, singa laut dan dolfin menghiburkan hatiku. Setibanya di pekan koboi, aku memikirkan alangkah enaknya jika hidup kita serba ringkas dengan beberapa deretan kedai yang memadai dengan perigi air dan landskap yang mudah. Namun, kita masih memerlukan sepatah senapang kerana dunia ini tidak mengenal keamanan. Di sini, aku boleh memiliki senapang untuk tujuan keselamatan dan perlindungan. Aku belum mahir mengendalikannya namun masa akan menentukannya.

Aku menuju ke Erawan yang wujud di tengah-tengah kesibukan kosmopolitan ini dan melewati tempat suci para penganut Buddha yang sedang bersembahyang. Kelihatan sekumpulan penari kembara yang menari mengikut paluan alat-alat genderang dengan nyanyian dikir.
Para wanita sibuk menjual kalungan bunga-bungaan untuk upacara sembahyang kepada para pelancong.  
Mata aku bertumpu pada sepasang kekasih umpama bagai pinang dibelah dua yang baru selesai bersembahyang. 
Entah kenapa selepas itu, aku mendengar bisikan hati yang memberi satu ketetapan dan petunjuk yang mungkin menyelamatkan diriku. 
Bahawa aku tidak perlu berkorban. Kerana aku punya pilihan.
Seperti hati ini, seleraku juga semakin terbuka. Meskipun makanan di sini masih asing dan pelik rasanya bagiku, aku boleh menjamu selera dengan baik dan makan lebih daripada yang biasanya. Aku tidak berasa sakit seperti sebelumnya. Elok nampaknya. Bau-bauan Thai semakin menebal, menuruti semua laluan kecuali apabila sang hujan melepaskan bilah-bilahnya. Kotak fikiranku masih perlu berputar ligat untuk ilham karya seterusnya. Namun, buat pertama kalinya hati aku terpaut dan tidak dapat kuuraikan penjelasannya. Terpaut barangkali, sekali ganda daripada detik-detik di NSW yang sebenarnya tidak kurang indah dengan kelembutan dan kesunyian yang hidup. Bulan malam menyaksikan aku lena terlelap sementara menanti mentari pagi menghampar kanvas langit.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

There is a place

I have been roaming around in this universe for quite awhile.
I love the thrill, excitement, experience, taste, delight , scene and sound I came across.
Of all , the freedom to walk about and breath the moments. The unspoken moments.

I have moved recently. Closer yet further than before.
Somehow, it is something to celebrate about this move after my peace and space was missing for the past 8 months. Now, I am looking forward to create and work harder to do well in crafting words and scripts.

I like the stealing gleam of light into my room. The shining soft colour of dusk brightens this new space.

Nevertheless, nothing will beat my first home. Nothing will ever beat that no matter where I am.
For that, I am glad to be here today. But the sad part is always a short time spent here.

I have been looking and asking where do I want to stay and no longer move.
That I no longer want to travel, roaming and going about. Stay still. Enjoy the remnant of life under a healthy, glowing sun and white sandy beaches near me. 
Perhaps, I have been a little tired and wonder if I should make a stop.

I went to Waves Park last Thursday. The green trees stood solid as before and the breeze enveloped my feelings. They seem to understand the battle within me and want to take it away from me. I rest my soul here and if it wanders, I shall make a petition to allow its return to this charming place. That I shall rest in peace near the understanding living wind and green , and not to miss out the darling sea.

Three of us stood here on a beautiful Saturday evening and one of us has gone and shall not return here again in human form. Whatever it is, I pray heaven loves us.

It's no deal

If  all else is more or less the same, we have 3 months to go before we pull down the curtain of 2011.
It is a-three-significant months in such a tumultuous period of human history todate.
The question of living still matters most.
Why are we here and what is the purpose to be here in this world without our choice in the beginning and the end.
And my heart will tie close with these strangers I do not know but whose life stories has brought me nearer to them.
Theirs - a life of tragic, misery and uncertainty. I learned more about them this year and I want to know more of them and I hope I could something better to help them.

For someone who is disappointed in justice most of the time, my wounded heart is comforted to know that the Australian-Malaysia swap deal is failed. The High Court in Australia scuttled the controversial deal , a blow to the Gilliard's government. Asylum issues has become a subject to critize the unfavorable Labor Government in the Land Down Under.

Among the refugees, unaccompanied minors are the most vulnerable in the group. When these are crucial, formative years for them. Yet, they have no one to stand by. No one to depend on. In a foreign environment. With thousands who share the same place, food , space and air.
Driven by circumstances, they are forced to grow up fast and acquainted with suffering than their peers who live in normal and ideal conditions of life. Sending them to Malaysia, a non-signatory of the UN Human Rights Convention on Refugees is a big No No. The risk of torture, rape and ugly side of human abuse are not absent.

For that, the no-deal  is indeed a joy in the middle of navigating the threads of sorrow.