Sunday, April 24, 2011

When love takes you in and out

I 've heard. Very often.
One of the biggest, important decision a woman made is the man whom she decides to fall for and eventually dedicating her life to him.
Wrong judgment is a not a mere mistake, it's a super huge mistake. Not only affecting one's life but her kins, comrades and others close to her.
I am unsure if I have or would make the mistake. For a non-believer of marriage as I am, I suppose time could almost provides answer in many aspects of our life.
Marriage could resemble a gamble. You do not know what is the outcome as you dedicate yourself for this scared covenant (which it is supposed to be but decadence is slowly tearing its solid fabric). People change in  marriage. For better, (possible but rarely) and for worst (not impossible and often).

Z, a woman who fell in love and married a man who has not loved himself but drugs. Needless to say, this marriage didn't last and Z is staying with her daughter and  a divorce is yet to be filed.
Moving on, Z fell for K. They stay together without a solemnization. A little boy was born out from this relationship. So, two children in a complicated man and woman relationship. Somehow, this relationship doesn't seem to work well too as K is not the sort of family guy, who stay at home for the 'wife'and children. 
The former addicts to drugs while K addicts to alcohol. It is easy to label Z, being foolish and unwise after her first marriage collapsed.
However, who are we to judge at the end of the day?
Some would say love conquers everything. You love someone for the good and the bad.

How do you know whether you love someone unconditionally? Don't we often love someone because of  the 'because' factor? Because he is this, he is that. Because she could do this, do that. And appearance is always the biggest factor.

I have always wanted my significant other to be a player. Of course not the player of Playboy but someone who can strum the guitar, beat the drums or run through the piano keys effortlessly.  But that doesn't happen, well except for once. Above this preference, I realize that there are far more essential factors to consider in a life mate. Chemistry and communication should be among those big factors which also  involved effort and sacrifice.

Prayerfully, I learn to love well.
FOrgive me , my dear.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Are you happy now?

It is not easy. Everything seems to be against me right now but I told myself, at least I am not.
By now, I should know it not wise to ask 'why', too common a question.
Yet, I couldn't stop asking.
Why good things are deemed bad right now?
What exactly are good and what are not?

I am here all by myself. Passing through the tunnel in the yellow light.
No one to cheer me. No one to listen.
I don't know where I am heading to. I just feel a little safe in this tunnel.

Is it wrong for me to leave?
Is it right for me to say?

I wish I could not be found forever more.
Spending my time in the creek and throwing stones.
ANyway, maybe, I am up the creek.
Looking at the ripples made. Quiet. Gazing at the verdant.
Jane Austen once said that's the best refreshment.

And great , the end is coming.

Composer: Ryan Adams

Dancin' where the stars go blue
Dancin' where the evening fell
Dancin' in your wooden shoes
In a wedding gown

Dancin' out on 7th street
Dancin' through the underground
Dancin' little marionette
Are you happy now?

Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
Stars go blue
Stars go blue
Stars go blue

Laughing with your pretty mouth
Laughing with your broken eyes
Laughing with your lover's tongue
In a lullaby

Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
stars go blue
stars go blue
stars go blue
When the stars go blue
Stars go blue
stars go blue
Stars go blue

Where do you go
Where do you go when you're blue, yeah
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you, follow you, follow you

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Beautiful Soul

This steadfast lady deserved to be mentioned. She is amongst others who teach me about real love.
Love. The world has been seeking for it, near and far, true or false, rain or shine.
It is painful to learn of Clement's tragedy. A young man who came home from Downunder to take charge of planes only to find himself hurt in an unfortunate accident. Despite this, Leong persevered throughout her life. Despite her failed marriage. Despite her unhappy childhood. I salute you. May God'a grace and mercy continue to embrace you.

Ckick her story here:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Baby, before you

One wonders how the rascal crying baby could be such a sweetie that melts the burden and concern of the day. Yup, coz he/she will make you his burden and concern throughout the night.=)
Even then, mummy have no choice but to love still, right?

Dedicating this to little darling.

Artist: Chantal Kreviazuk
Album: Colour Moving and Still
Year released: 1999

Baby, before you
Well, I was bad news
In lettin' me love you
I think I can get through

Oh, baby before you
Well, I was so scared
I was a train wreck waitin' to happen
On the way to nowhere

And now I think it's kinda funny that you say you love me
You tell me that I'm crazy then you smile

And now I think I'll get through
The end of the world
And now I think I'll get through
Bein' a girl
Now I think I'll get through
And now I think I'll get through

Now honey around you
I'm feelin' so good
'Cause you picked me up out of the rough
And you polished me up and made me brand new

And baby before you, ho ho
There was just a black hole
Yeah I was beat down, blacked out
My darling you couldn't even know

But ever since I met you on a cloudy Monday
I can't believe how much I love the rain

And now I think I'll get through
The end of the world
And now I think I'll get through
Life as a girl
Now I think I'll get through
Now I think I'll get through

Ever since I met you on a cloudy Monday
I can't believe how much I love the rain

And now I think I'll get through
The end of the world
And now I think I'll get through
Life as a girl
Now I think I'll get through
Now I think I'll get through

Oh ... ho ...
Now I think I'll get through
Oh ....
Now I think I'll get through
Oh ... ho ...
And now I think I'll get through

And now I think I'll get through
Oh, and now I think I'll get through
Oh, and now I think I'll get through

The Right to be left Alone

I had the privilege to attend a public lecture concerning data protection law which drew a big crowd.
Many commented that the lecture was interesting, lucid and informative. I couldn't agree less.

Privacy is not exclusively meant for celebrities alone. All of us are endowed with privacy rights.
The right to be left alone. This was introduced by US Judge Thomas Cooley as early as in the 1888.
Our world is exposed and unprotected against intrusion , more than before.
Our privacy is at a stake. Our personal data are utilised againt our wishes. Here and then, we receive anonymous calls, unwanted attention, e-mail scams , etc that attacks our privacy. Our personal information are provided largely  to banks, government agencies, corporations, websites and many organizations .
To what extent these information  are being used appropriately and treated P&C?
Exposed, unfortunately. An ongoing breach and violation of our privacy.
The unscrupulous dirty business of data selling.
The sale of personal data is as low as 10 cent and could fetch at higher price for well-known figure's data.

The closest call for privacy law involved the legislation of data protection law which had evolved gradually in US (Privacy Act 1974) and EU (Data Protection Directive) . It is a late start for Asian countries but it is better than never.Singapore is reported to debate the personal data protection legislation in the Parliament by early 2012. Malaysia has legislated the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 which although has been passed, assented and gazetted but has yet to come into force. Hong Kong has its Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance but is said to be at its embryonic state and inadequate.

Do we question the questionnares  listed in the survey form, credit card application form and all sorts of form that request for our personal information? It's time to question whether we should fill our particulars in all the columns. Is it relevant to ask your car registration number when you fill in a lucky draw contest? Is it relevant to ask your salary income when you fill in a CD purchase form? Do we blindly fill in eveything ?

You have the right not to disclose your personal information to anyone when it is not necessary.
Simply because- you have the right to be left alone.

Leaving the world

Maybe, maybe each of us have the thoughts of leaving the world for good, at least for once.
Yesterday, a young man shared how he felt grateful at the end of his struggle to jump from the high floor.
He didn't make it to jump.

I listened as he shared his feelings in the crawling night. I suppose being a listener is something that everyone of us could do, if only we are WILLING  to do so.
It' s not about money, gifts but TIME. That is the greatest gift we can give to each other. To take our time for someone. To spend that moments with someone.

Like him, I was haunted with the same thoughts before. But I prefer to be surrounded by the blue water than a pool of blood.
Somehow, I believe that the powers from the above have control over this , in our decision to terminate life.
If it is meant to be, to have life ended at that particular point, at that particular place, it would take place and nothing will happen to stop it.

On the other hand, if life is not meant to be taken away for us as yet, something will happen to stop it but one could suffer the unpleasant consequences thereafter.

Someone once said, we are actually heading to the living world while walking in the dead world.
And each day, we are edging closer to the end of our life.

We are perplexed with unanswered questions which may only be revealed on the other side.
Someone also pointed out that if we have the courage to end our life (yes, it needs a strong courage, more than a soldier), why not transform the courage to move on and brace ourself to overcome.
I could only say, "Brother, both courage are not the same. It is a different kind of courage, altogether. In the attempt to terminate, he/she will somehow will hear a small whisper. If undecided, the execution takes at a slower pace but the determined, strong headed will waste no time. All the more for the mind-suffered.
Perhaps, only the survivors could understand it, like the young man.