Monday, December 31, 2012

The Road Home

Hilda has been looking for a home for years. A home which shall become her dwelling.
A home where she belongs and no one could encroach. A home where she belongs without end.
Today, she assures herself that it will never be found here because this is not where she is meant to be.

The disorder returns and she hopes this is the last episode.
The pain and discomfort which were familiar are here again.
Today, she realises all the more that life is not an answer but a question from the beginning.

She lets herself  to write more now as time permits.
She wants to be happy because it is bringing her closer to home.
Today, she braces herself and walks among the crowd despite the silent pain.

'Why me' is an automatic response when it attacked her in silence.
The groans, moans and whispers of prayer.
Today, she learns the ability to eat and sleep is a blessing indeed.

A new year came after the old has gone.
She wonders why do we celebrate when a new day is just another recycled day to be.
Today, she weeps not because suffering could end soon when the above opens the door of her home.

Hasten me home to lessen my suffering, she said.
She longs to walk the path which leads her home.
Today, she visits those who had found their home.

Do we borrow time or we are made to borrow?
She still couldn't find the meaning of being a soul.
Today, she finds the enchanting sea could be evil too.

Sooner or later we have to go.
Someone else will arrive to replace the departure.
Today is just like another ordinary today, except the day she gets to home.

Nocturne - Daylight Rain

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hellos and Goodbye

Bit by bit I get back to those whom I met some years ago.
Perhaps it's because we are coming at the end, closer than before.
We see how much we have changed and what we have not.
We realise how time not only flies but how it has shaped us as well.

A few days ago, a brother in the church I used to go was ushered up to above.
I whispered a silent prayer, throwing a gaze through the glass window and thinking about him.
His sudden exit is a reminder again.

Three questions came to my mind as fast as the lightning. Questions about my exit from this world.

1) How will I leave? (Most important of all)
2) When and where is the final place?
3) Who is the last person I will see before I leave?

At the end of the journey, everything seems to be meaningless.
We could not take we have. We do not belong here but we live as though it's our permanent abode.

We all have the common goal in this world - seeking happiness and it comes in the form of material and non-material.
We do not choose to arrive here just as we can't choose when we want to leave, even jumping from the 99th storey may not be successful if that is not meant to be.

So, what do we do with life?
Perhaps, one of the best thing that happen here is not buying the huge mansion on tophill.
Perhaps it's not being a well-known personality, getting our dreams materialised, driving the fancy car down the Great Ocean Road or the first millions we made.

How I do want to live if I know tomorrow is my last?

This is the song I could not resist to replay. It carries me to the past, present and  maybe the future.

Someplace Good